History of Carrig N.S.

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Carrig School was built in 1914 and opened as a co-ed school in 1915.  At the time it was a two teacher school.

In 1963 an extension was added to the school which included a third classroom, toilets and cloakroom.  A water tower and outdoor shelter were also built.

Further extensions in 1981 and 1983 gave the school a fourth classroom and a general purpose room.

The numbers continued to increase and there are now more than 220 pupils enrolled in the school.

The first part of our major new extension and refurbishment project was completed in March 2017 when teachers and pupils moved into their new classrooms.  Phase two of the project which included refurbishment of the original school building and play areas including a dedicated soft play area for infants and an astro-turf pitch was finished in late 2017 with the official opening taking place on December 8th.